Friday, July 31, 2015

Blackblood Alliance: Boards, Environments, and Lighting Design

Blackblood Alliance:  Preview

Between 2014 and early 2015, my friend Kay Fedewa and I worked on a collaborative comic called "Blackblood Alliance", a reboot of an earlier comic of the same name. This preview tested our workflow.
Scripting, character rendering and designs were done by Kay.
The environments, lighting design, contributions to character design, and boarding were done by me.

Blackblood Alliance:  Redux

Additionally, after completing these preview pages, we did another pass to further refine our workflow. This page is a reworking of a scene from our earlier comic.

Boarding and environment design with character design contributions by myself.
Scripting by Kay Fedewa.
Additional lighting notes contributed by Jennadelle.

Patreon Wallpapers

And below are just some fun wallpapers we did for our patrons on Patreon. I was responsible for composition, environment design, lighting, effects, and inkwork.

Umbagog: Ambush

8 Page Preview

The zombie North Country New Hampshire

This comic was completed in Summer of 2014 as an 8 page preview to the final product (to be released Late Summer 2015). It served as a test of my skills at the time: to determine how long it would take me to complete a page so I could decide a solid upload schedule; and--critically--to prevent psyching out over launching such a major project.